Aria - quite literally a melody that travels through the air like drifting leaves, reaching the farthest corners. This nature-inspired design offers us the chance to interpret the image in our own unique way - perhaps leaves, a tempest, a windswept tree, or even the essence of autumn? Embrace the presence of art within your living space.
In the realm of art, fundamental colors like blue, yellow, red, and ash-gray have been associated with the four elements, a tradition spanning from Empedocles to the era of Leonardo da Vinci.
This wallpaper is an accurate wall-sized reproduction of the original painting by artist Katarzyna Śliwka.
Wallpaper prepared in standardized rolls 100 x 300cm, Please provide selected wallpaper rolls numbers in order to ensure the timely delivery. Wallpaper prepared for butt joint.
Is your wall larger than 500 x 300 cm? Unusual shape? We offer wallpapers made to size! To order wallpaper made to size, contact us by email at