Flying fish serve as a representation of an independent individual, unbound by dependencies, resolute in their own desires, and fearless in the face of challenges. Umi presents an unconventional and unexpected design. The unique flying fish motif, paired with a subtle palette of grays and intricate geometric lines, creates an ambiance of subtle eccentricity within a space. The circular element within the design adds depth, while the craftsmanship of the flying fish evokes the artistic charm of linocut, further enhancing Umi's three-dimensional allure.
Wallpaper prepared in standardized rolls 100 x 300cm, Please provide selected wallpaper rolls numbers in order to ensure the timely delivery. Wallpaper prepared for butt joint.
Is your wall larger than 500 x 300cm? Unusual shape? We offer wallpapers made to size! To order wallpaper made to size contact us by email. at