Dusk" serves as a representation of ambiguity and hesitation, a time when clarity dissipates and obscurity shrouds objects. The artwork depicting dusk elicits comparable emotions, with its soft hues of reds, creams, and blues prompting contemplation about the artwork's significance. Its abstract nature grants ample room for personal interpretation of the composition, allowing one to choose whether the dominant structural aspect lies at the top or bottom. Dusk proves to be an ideal wallpaper choice for contemporary bedrooms, living spaces, or hallways.
This wallpaper is an accurate wall-sized reproduction of the original painting by artist Magdalena Lenartowicz.
Wallpaper prepared in standardized rolls 100 x 300cm, Please provide selected wallpaper rolls numbers in order to ensure the timely delivery. Wallpaper prepared for butt joint.
Is your wall larger than 500 x 300 cm? Unusual shape? We offer wallpapers made to size! To order wallpaper made to size, contact us by email at sales@eurokonzept.com.ph.