Pistacchio presents itself as a subtly unconventional masterpiece, intriguing some with its captivating abstract color blend and transporting others to landscapes reminiscent of serene marshes and riverside memories. Derived from the Italian word for pistachio, this hue encapsulates the symbolism of minor concerns overshadowed by the profound joy that arises from conquering them. A distinctive fusion of colors, where vibrant red mingles harmoniously with soft, ethereal green, establishes Pistacchio as a distinctive addition to both classical interiors and an indispensable component for those embracing loft-style decor. Notably, the wallpaper's weight leans towards the lighter side, rendering it accessible even to those with more confined living spaces who desire an artistic statement adorning their walls.
Wallpaper prepared in standardized rolls 100 x 300cm, Please provide selected wallpaper rolls numbers in order to ensure the timely delivery. Wallpaper prepared for butt joint.
Is your wall larger than 500 x 300 cm? Unusual shape? We offer wallpapers made to size! To order wallpaper made to size, contact us by email at sales@eurokonzept.com.ph.