Santa / original name of the painting - Elusive
A profound aspect of our human nature is the inclination to hold dear what we know will soon vanish. In the face of impending loss, we find sudden and heightened appreciation for the things closest to us: our attachments, relationships, cherished locales, and even the fleeting beauty of sunrises and sunsets. While I paint landscapes, I realize that I often capture glimpses of our own inner landscapes too—the depths of our hearts intertwined with the mundane moments of everyday life. It's about encapsulating the richness of emotions and seizing those transient instances we perceive as ephemeral.
Abstract painting transferred to a large format, printed on brush and linen bases - they give the impression of a huge painting in the interior
This wallpaper is an accurate wall-sized reproduction of the original painting by artist Joanna Osińska.
Wallpaper prepared in standardized rolls 100 x 300cm, Please provide selected wallpaper rolls numbers in order to ensure the timely delivery. Wallpaper prepared for butt joint.
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